Schwarzau am Steinfeld Business directory

> Austria > Lower Austria > Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen > Schwarzau am Steinfeld

Business entries of Schwarzau am Steinfeld are gathered here containing contact-data, opening hours and ratings of customers. You can enlist your own company entry or organization here.

Schwarzau am Steinfeld entries

There were 33 entries found INT

Carinthiastr 73
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 83475
 43 (2627) 83620

Pittener Str 206
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 82564

Carinthiastrasse 73
2625, Schwarzau

 02627.827 77
 02627.827 77

Pittener Str 94
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 82542
 43 (2627) 82542 INT

Carinthiastr 73
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 82777...-0
 43 (2627) 82777

Wechselbundesstr 33
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 02627 83066

Wechselbundesstr 237
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 82623
 43 (2627) 82623-30

Wechselbundesstr 62
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 02627 82364

Eisteichstrasse 343
2625, Schwarzau

 02627.837 85
 02627.837 85-16

Wechselbundesstr 113
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 5 9133-3357

Wechselbundesstr 108
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 82624

Carinthiastr 130
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 02627 83198

Uferstr 350
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 83600

Wechselbundesstr 43
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 82351

Wechselbundesstr 141
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 82270

Alleestr 176
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 85227

Carinthiastr 89
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 02627 82334

Scheibenstr 65
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 82617...-0
 43 (2627) 82617-4

Kirchenpl 118
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 82701

Wechselbundesstr 41
2625, Schwarzau am Steinfeld

 43 (2627) 83785
 43 (2627) 83785-16

1 2 >>

Cities & surrounding

Schwarzau am Steinfeld branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Schwarzau am Steinfeld in this month. This month 15 companies were registered, 34 were updated and 28 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Schwarzau am Steinfeld March 2025Diagram Schwarzau am SteinfeldDiagram Schwarzau am Steinfeld March 2025UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Schwarzau am Steinfeld with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Schwarzau am Steinfeld 2025Statistics Schwarzau am SteinfeldStatistics Schwarzau am Steinfeld 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Schwarzau am Steinfeld